
Corporate coexisting with everyone

Ethical management

Code of Ethics

With the SK Management System (SKMS) as the foundation of its business management,
SK siltron creates value for all its stakeholders, including its customers, employees, stockholders,
and partners, to make an important contribution to the development of society and the economy,
ultimately doing its part for the happiness and wellbeing of humanity.
The Code of Ethics of SK siltron overarches all the decisions and actions made in the company’s management activities.

Download :     Code of Ethics In PDF     Code of Ethics Practice Guideline In PDF

Ethical Management Group

The Management Diagnosis Team is SK siltron’s ethical management group, whose role is to create an environment in which every member of SK siltron can practice ethical management. Reporting directly to the CEO and Compliance Committee of SK siltron, the Management Diagnosis Team is made up of a Management Diagnosis and an Ethical Management Section.

        CEO                   Compliance Committee Management Diagnosis Team
Management Diagnosis
The focus of the Management Diagnosis Section is on the early discovery of management risks and the development of solutions. It promotes the active utilization of management resources and fosters a sound organizational culture.
Ethical Management
The Ethical Management Section executes all activities necessary for the observance of the Code of Ethics and provides ethical management training. The aim is to make ethical management a way of life at SK siltron, and to achieve transparency of the company’s management through the diagnosis of instances of corruption.

Ethical Management Activities

Management Diagnosis
SK siltron performs management diagnoses of itself and its subsidiaries, according to a minimum of two themes each year. The management diagnosis of each applicable business unit takes place at least once every three years. By identifying management risks early on, assessing them, and coming up with suitable solutions, the active utilization of management resources and the creation of a sound organizational culture take place. Necessary improvements identified through management diagnoses are logged in SK siltron’s Ethical Management Practice System (EMPS), to track their implementation and manage the related improvements.
Whistleblower System
SK siltron accepts reports of unethical practices by the members of SK siltron and its subsidiaries through the SK Group’s ethical management website ( We operate various anonymous or real-name reporting channels, such as the SK Ethics Management Reporting Site and email, so that all stakeholders can freely report unethical behavior related to the management activities of SK Siltron and its subsidiaries. The reporting channel is provided and operated to all stakeholders, including all domestic and international members, partner companies, customers, and other third parties. The received reports are investigated as per procedure, with the investigation results leading to disciplinary actions and process improvements.
* Reports and Disciplinary Actions
Classification 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Reports 8 11 21 17 26
Disciplinary actions 1 4 11 4 9
Self-Monitoring System
SK siltron and its subsidiaries perform voluntary risk assessments in specific fields every year, and perform constant monitoring to proactively manage the company’s ethical risks. SK siltron’s “self-monitoring system” is an ethical risk checklist, based on which constant monitoring takes place in the six major areas of: human resources; expenses; sales and bonds; customers and suppliers; investments; and special risk management. Each year, a risk assessment is performed in three of those areas, while risk assessments of all six areas are performed every two years. Constant monitoring of SK siltron’s foreign entities also takes place, with the foreign corporations and branches of SK siltron performing a self-diagnosis every three years.
Whistleblower Protection
SK siltron enforces a reporter protection system to protect reporters from disadvantages or discrimination as a result of making reports or submitting the related information. In cases where the identity of a reporter and the report made are requested to be kept anonymous, SK siltron honors the request 100%. Reporters can also request whistleblower protection, in which case SK siltron will take steps to minimize the disadvantages to the reporter and execute recurrence prevention measures for the responsible and/or related individuals, including disciplinary actions. The most important core of the whistleblower protection program is anonymity. The whistleblower is guaranteed anonymity and can request the company to take personal protection measures and prevent disadvantages in accordance with the law. Acts of retribution, identification, or searches directed at reporters are met with disciplinary actions. Furthermore, the parties to an unethical practice who voluntarily report themselves are given due consideration of the involved circumstances when disciplinary actions are decided.
Ethical Management Training
To promote awareness and a culture of ethical management across its entire sphere of activity, SK siltron executes ethical management training for all its members, including its overseas employees, contractors, and part-time workers. Regular online training and leadership-led interactive training (workshops on the practice of ethics) are also provided to the members of the subsidiaries of SK siltron, while suppliers receive annual training. In addition, SK siltron’s ethical management training will be soon executed on a wide scale, with full ethical management training being provided to its subsidiaries and suppliers as well.
Survey on the Practice of Ethical Management
To gain an understanding of its ethical management standards as a company, SK siltron conducts a yearly survey on its ethical management practices. The survey is conducted with all members of domestic and overseas operations and subsidiaries. An 88% survey participation was achieved in 2022. The survey results are reflected in the improvement of SK siltron’s ethical management system.
Pledge of Ethical Practice
The members of SK siltron and its subsidiaries, as well as its suppliers, sign a pledge to promise the practice of ethical management. As a reminder of their commitment to the Code of Ethics and to look back on their standing with regard to ethical management, the members of SK siltron, its subsidiaries and its suppliers renew their pledge of ethical practice every year through an online system.
Bribery Reporting System
The acceptance of money or valuables from stakeholders is prohibited under all circumstances. Money or valuables acquired inadvertently are reported to the Management Diagnosis Team and returned to the source. Money or valuables that cannot be returned are donated to charities.
Supplier Code of Ethics
SK siltron observes the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct. The major suppliers and business partners (BP) of SK siltron must also observe the RBA Code of Conduct. The RBA Code of Conduct contains specifications related to the environment, child labor, basic rights, work hours, pay, health and safety, business ethics, and sustainable sourcing. SK siltron and its subsidiaries includes terms of ethical practice by suppliers in their Business Partner’s Pledge of Ethical Practice, which is signed and subsequently renewed by the suppliers every year, so that the company’s suppliers participate actively in the practice of the SK siltron Code of Ethics.

RBA Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Ethics
Ethical Management System